Our vision is of a financial system that sets the global economy on a net-zero emissions path. Our mission is to enable financial institutions to identify, quantify, track, and compare the forward-looking climate profile of every asset and company in their portfolios.
We believe in trust, transparency, and innovation. Establishing trusted and transparent relationships with our partners and clients is critical as we support high-profile financial decision-making. We also fully understand the complexity and urgency of the climate challenge and the need for innovative solutions.
Asset Resolution was founded by the 2° Investing Initiative and was acquired by GRESB BV in September 2022. Our Advisory Board is composed of representatives from academia, the financial industry, and think tanks. Asset Impact, launched as Asset Resolution, is part of an activity that has received funding from Climate-KIC and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). This body of the European Union receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.